Eye Test

We Offer the following Services

Full Eye Examinations

Digital Retinal Photography
Glaucoma Screening
Age-Related Macular Degeneration Screening
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
Contact Lens Fittings and Examinations
Children’s Sight Testing
Colour Vision Testing
VDU Screening
Visual Field Screening
Driving licence eyesight reports for group 1
Prescription Sports/Swimming goggles
Occupational Safety Glasses
Prescription Sunglasses
Spectacle Adjustments and Repairs
Selection of complete spectacles starting at €49.
Gift Vouchers

An enhanced eye examination includes additional checks such as:

Dilation of the pupils to allow better viewing of the retina
Digital fundus photography which allows for comparison of retinal images over a period of time
Slitlamp Examination of the front surfaces and tissues of the eyes
Field screening to assess peripheral as well as central fields of sight

Get an eye test- you only have two!

The eye is the most valuable camera you will ever own. Sight is the sense we fear losing most. However many of us are not looking after our eyes properly and many of us are not aware of how vulnerable we may be to sight loss.

Why are eye tests so vital?

It’s easy for us to neglect our eyes, because they don’t usually hurt when something is wrong. Many eye conditions do not show any signs or symptoms in the early stages and when we do notice a problem it may be too late to reverse damage done and more difficult to prevent further damage.
Having an eye test will not only tell us if you need new glasses or there is a change in prescription, but it will also check the health of your eyes.

How often do I need to visit the optician?

Unless otherwise advised by your  optician, you should have and eye test every 2 years.
Sometimes, your optician may want to see you more often, for example, if you are diabetic or have a strong family history of a particular ocular problem. They will explain that to you during your eye test.

Our Fee’s

Full Eye Examination ………………€35

Student Eye Examination(all second and third level students)……………………€25

Full Eye Examination & Dilation Examination(inc. Retinal imaging) ………………€50

Pupil Dilation and Retinal Images………………………………€20

OCT Examination (3D Scanning Technology) ……………………………..€30

Full Eye Examination Plus Contact Lens Assessment for 1st time Wearers (includes handling appointment, trial of contact lenses and aftercare appointment)……€60

Contact Lens Aftercare* (Existing Wearers)………………€30

Driving Licence Eyesight Report (group 1 licence)…….€25

Colour vision test…………… €25

Visual Field Screening…….€25

Irritated or Sore eye……..€25

Am I eligible for a free eye test or help with the cost of the glasses?

If you hold a medical card, you are entitled to a free eye test every two years, and possibly free glasses should you need them.
You must first apply to the HSE for authorisation. We have application forms and will happily help you complete one and post it for you.
You can Click the HSE for more information

 If you have PRSI cover, you are entitled to a free eye test at least once every two years.
You can Click the Welfare image for more information

Your employer may cover the cost of an eye test if you use a VDU screen regulary at work and need your glasses/contact lenses for that.